Cover Art: The Moon Falls a Thousand Times by Naeemeh Naeemaei
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing, Dreams Before Extinction
Edited by Lise Weil, Gillian Goslinga, Kristin Flyntz, and Anne Bergeron
About Dark Matter: Women Witnessing, Dreams Before Extinction
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing, Dreams Before Extinction is an anthology of essays, poems, and artwork by women in response to ecological devastation. The collection is comprised of works selected from the first 10 years of publication of the online journal Dark Matter: Women Witnessing
Sixty-seven authors from six countries have contributed to this anthology of 79 pieces, in 572 pages, grouped into nine sections: To Witness, Fired Anew, The Grammar of Animacy, What We Know in Our Bones, Songs of Undoing, I am Nothing Without My Dead, Healing with Land and Ancestors, The Music of Grief, and What it Takes to Breach. Edited by Lise Weil, Gillian Goslinga, Kristin Flyntz, and Anne Bergeron, this book is a moving and inspiring collection of written and visual responses drawing on dreams, visions and activism, all in the name of healing our broken relationship to the earth.
Advance praise for Dark Matter: Women Witnessing, Dreams Before Extinction:
Dark Matter: Women Witnessing is the most important literary magazine today.
Vibrant voices connect us to the sacred relationship between body, Earth and spirit. Like indigenous praise songs that bring down empires, the essays, poems, and stories in this collection prepare us for a changing world—inspiring radical joy and compassionate action. —Laura Simms, award-winning storyteller, author Our Secret Territory, The Robe of Love, Becoming the World
In a time of ecological endangerment if not collapse, Dark Matter shores up our courage, makes and restores habitat for growth and sharing of stories, dreams, brainstorms, and knowledge. This stunning collection gathers diverse works from the journal as it also gathers us, with far-sighted guidance on how to be in these times. —Jane Caputi, Ph.D., author Call Your "Mutha'": A Deliberately Dirty-Minded Manifesto for the Earth Mother in the Anthropocene and Goddesses and Monsters: Women, Myth, Power and Popular Culture
This is a deeply soulful and mythic collection of essays and art, offering profound reflections from women who bear witness to the devastating consequences of the modern materialist paradigm—a worldview that severs Spirit from Matter and denies the sacred interconnectedness of all existence. This transformative work radiates Beauty, Mystery, and Magic, inviting readers to open their hearts and minds. It reminds us of who we truly are, why we are here, and that we are made of stardust. It is an essential transmission, urgently needed in these times. —Judy Tsafrir, MD, author Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness
Every morning I get up in the dark to wait and watch the sunrise and say my prayers for the new day. When another issue of Dark Matter appears I bring with me my computer. I sit in the dark and enter the journal. That is what it is like. Like entering the real, enchanted, beloved, painful, expansive world that we live in through those who are able to put words to it. It is a way of breaking the spell of modernity, to read these words. It helps me to let myself feel what I feel, as Deena Metzger says, "the love and the whole catastrophe”. —Laurie Markoff, retired psychologist, devoted reader of Dark Matter: Women Witnessing
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